12 Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws are foundational laws that govern the universe, energy, and the human experience. These are the fundamentals of my life and practice. Understanding and applying these principles can help create balance, alignment, and fulfillment in life. They help us navigate all things with greater awareness, purpose, and alignment. I invite you to start by focusing on one or two that resonate with you and gradually integrate them into your daily life.

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

Everything is connected. Our thoughts, actions, and emotions impact the world and others.

  • Practice mindfulness and empathy.

  • Recognize that your words and actions have a ripple effect.

  • Show kindness and gratitude to strengthen your connections with others.

2. The Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe moves and vibrates at a certain frequency. Our thoughts and emotions also carry vibrational energy.

  • Keep your vibration high with positive thoughts, gratitude, and self-care.

  • Surround yourself with uplifting people and environments.

  • Use music, movement, and nature to shift into a higher frequency.

3. The Law of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as within, so without." Your external reality reflects your internal state.

  • Cultivate inner peace to experience outer harmony.

  • If you're facing challenges, examine your beliefs and mindset.

  • Journaling and self-reflection can help you recognize patterns.

4. The Law of Attraction

Like attracts like. Your thoughts, emotions, and energy shape what you attract.

  • Focus on what you want rather than what you fear.

  • Use affirmations, vision boards, and visualization.

  • Cultivate gratitude to magnetize positive experiences.

5. The Law of Inspired Action

Manifestation requires action aligned with your desires.

  • Take small, meaningful steps toward your goals.

  • Trust your intuition to guide you to the right actions.

  • Overcome fear by focusing on progress rather than perfection.

6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Energy is always shifting, and higher vibrations can transform lower vibrations.

  • When feeling low, engage in activities that uplift you (meditation, music, movement).

  • Surround yourself with high-energy people and environments.

  • Be the light in dark situations—your energy can inspire others.

7. The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma)

Every action has a corresponding reaction.

  • Be mindful of your words, thoughts, and deeds.

  • Practice kindness, generosity, and integrity to create positive outcomes.

  • Accept responsibility for your life and choices.

8. The Law of Compensation

You are rewarded based on the energy and effort you put into the world.

  • Give freely—whether love, kindness, or effort—without expecting immediate returns.

  • Trust that your hard work and good intentions will bring abundance in different forms.

  • Celebrate others' success; it opens the door for your own.

9. The Law of Relativity

Everything is relative; challenges exist to help us grow.

  • Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own journey.

  • Shift your perspective—what seems like a challenge might be an opportunity.

  • Practice gratitude by recognizing what’s going well.

10. The Law of Polarity

Everything has an opposite. Contrast allows us to appreciate and understand life.

  • Embrace both joy and challenges—they give meaning to each other.

  • When facing difficulties, look for the lesson or silver lining.

  • Recognize that if something isn’t working, its opposite exists as a possibility.

11. The Law of Rhythm

Life follows natural cycles and patterns. Everything moves in waves.

  • Trust that tough times will pass, just as good times come and go.

  • Align with natural rhythms (moon cycles, seasons, your body's needs).

  • Allow rest and action to balance each other in your life.

12. The Law of Gender

Both masculine and feminine energies exist within everything. Balance is key.

  • Balance action (masculine energy) with receptivity (feminine energy).

  • Use logic and intuition together when making decisions.

  • Honor both doing and being, structure and flow, strength and softness.


Ho’oponopono: A Healing Practice